The first croatian seminar dedicated to DTS products, held at the ‘Academy of Dramatic Arts‘ in Zagreb, has just ended. The event marked the beginning of the collaboration between DTS and HORFAM, an important Croatian company active in the lighting market since 1991. The two companies expressed their satisfaction for the over 60 professionals who
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We are pleased to announce a new DTS success: the BRICK wash projector has just been awarded the ‘PLSN Gold Star Product Award’ as ‘Best new exterior archiectural light’. The award has been presented to DTS last November 17th in a ceremony held at LDI 2017 in Las Vegas. This success adds to those collected
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Taking place at WL’s state-of-the-art Studio15, the DTS Open Day will be a great opportunity to learn more about the new portfolio from the leading Italian lighting manufacturer and to experience their products first-hand. DTS are renowned for creating revolutionary lighting products aimed specifically at the entertainment and architectural industries. The products on show include
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Prolux company has been a leader in the Chile lighting systems market since 1995, offering its customers a wide range of high-tech lighting products. Prolux – born from the passion of cinema and television professionals – has a specific goal: to provide its customers customized projects complemented by a complete technical support capable to satisfy
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The wave of great successes for DTS seems unstoppable; the last one, just in chronological order, is the LIVE DESIGN “Excellence Award 2017”. We are proud to say that DTS arrived first in the “Installation” category with the Sheikh Zayed Bridge project recently done in Dubai. No less than 240 ‘HELIOS BRONZE FC’ underwater LED
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Prosegue, con un nuovo appuntamento, il calendario di workshop professionali organizzati dall’Accademia Internazionale della Luce®: i prossimi 19 e 20 Aprile, DTS avrà il piacere di ospitare il workshop di specializzazione professionale per Light Jockey, con la docenza di Maurizio Gianandrea e Giovanni MrLong John Fragassi. Il workshop è rivolto a professionisti, tecnici e appassionati che
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DTS presenta i suoi nuovi proiettori al Prolight+Sound 2017, stand C30 Hall 3.0. Protagonisti del light show di quest’anno saranno due prodotti capaci di assicurare massima versatilità diventando la base di ogni progetto luci. BRICK e MINI BRICK: grazie alle loro caratteristiche funzionali potranno essere impiegati sia per installazioni fisse che temporanee senza nessuna limitazione.
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DTS è lieta di annunciare la sua partecipazione a MicroSalon Italia 2017 che si terrà i prossimi 17 e 18 Marzo, presso la storica cornice del Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, a Roma. La presenza di DTS a questa vetrina di nuove tecnologie per il mondo del cineaudiovisivo, ci rende orgogliosi in quanto conferma nuovamente la
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DTS è orgogliosa di annunciare l’inizio di una nuova collaborazione con l’azienda colombiana SEEL, leader nel settore dell’Ingegneria Audiovisiva. SEEL S.A., azienda specializzata in progetti tecnologici dedicati all’intrattenimento dal 1978, anno della sua fondazione, si rivolge al poliedrico mercato dell’illuminazione offrendo una vasta gamma di servizi per ogni genere di design luci: dalla televisione al
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As a company striving for excellence, DTS is glad to support with its sponsorship the “Mondo dr Awards 2017”, created to recognise and reward the best technical achievements in today’s entertainment venues worldwide. We are also proud to participate in the event’s contest with a special installation of DTS moving heads carried out in one
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