The sales space – in the wake of the latest retail marketing trends – is rapidly changing from the place where the items are displayed and offered, to a real scenographic space where the goods are no longer simply on display but – thanks to the creative use of lighting technology – offer a real show.
An approach with which the store enhances its uniqueness, its physical presence, capable of transforming a potential purchase into a personal and engaging experience for the client, as an alternative to the aseptic e-commerce.
The light in stores has always influenced the perception of things and consequently the purchase choices.
More and more hi-tech lighting is becoming a fundamental part of the infrastructure of any innovative retail space that wants to promote its products in a proactive way.
The Lighting Designer and the manufacturer of advanced lighting systems are the two key players in this transformation of the sales space. Their interaction allows to enhance the product offer with a creative use of light, making it the star of the client’s visual experience.
In short, from goods on display to a true show of goods, with the aesthetic and technological ways typical of entertainment lighting.
See on this topic the articles published by Walter Lutzu
(LD, associate of the Lightsoundjournal network and VP of AILD).
DTS – thanks to its design experience of over thirty years in both entertainment and architecture – combines the two know-hows in a series of projectors that offer all the advantages and infinite possibilities of application of dynamic LED lighting in retail.
Two examples for all: ARTEMIO and NICK NRG CEILING.
ARTEMIO is an ultra-compact white LED projector ideal for retail applications, museums and exhibitions, and wherever a lighting body with top luminous performance, yet elegant and discreet, is required.
ARTEMIO has been designed to perform a range of tasks in the exhibition space: the projector is available in Fresnel version with a 14° to 42° zoom, and in Profile version with internal shaper and user-interchangeable optics. With both models, the high color index of the projected light (CRI >90) enhances the appearance of any illuminated goods, thanks to the faithful reproduction of its original colors.
It is possible to create large networks of ARTEMIO projectors remotely powered and controlled by the DRIVENET Power Supply / Controller series; the brightness of each projector can be modulated independently; endless combinations are easily programmable, sequenced and timed via domotic control units.
NICK NRG CEILING is a line of compact LED moving head fixtures for flush mounting. NICK is an example of a lighting system that can be aesthetically and functionally integrated in a wide range of display and sales spaces.
Its light source consists of the latest generation full color LEDs, which provide high quality light with accurately modulated brightness, and can generate an infinite range of colors, from the most saturated to the pastel shades.
Thanks to the adjustable color temperature, it is possible to enhance any product category with the most suitable light shade, improving the perception of its natural colors.
LEDs are ‘cold’ light sources, unlike halogen or incandescent lamps, so NICKs can be easily installed in confined or recessed spaces. The long-range zoom can highlight individual objects with a very narrow light beam or evenly illuminate large areas with a diffuse projection. The projector can be rotated 360° to precisely light any point of the retail space. NICK are the ideal projectors for permanent installations.
The ability to remotely control, memorize and recall all the functions of the NICK, allows in fact to change the arrangement or type of items on display, without having to create every time a fitting light setup to suit the changed needs.